
Siapa yang tidak ingin page range Blog kita masuk di google search, pastinya pada mau semua hehe...karena dengan blog kita masuk di google search maka blog kita bisa bebas untuk mendapatkan sponsor (itu loh advertiser yang biasa iklan) lumayan low uangnya. ya klo pada mw duit sich hehe..
Berikut Tips cara supaya blog kita bisa masuk google search
1. Coba ketikkan alamat URL blog kamu di google search kemudian tekan Enter. Jika blogmu muncul berarti sudah ke indes di google tapi mungkin masih kalah bersaing dengan yang lain. Dan jika blogmu tidak muncul berarti belum keindex di google. Coba daftarkan blog km di Hasil tidak langsung jadi lho, jadi perlu waktu supaya blog kita terindex oleh google.

2. "Title Blog", jika membuat blog tentunya kita disuruh untuk membuat title blog. Title blog ini sangat penting dan sangat berpengaruh terhadap hasil pencarian di search engine, jadi pintar-pintarlah untuk memilih title blog km. Buatlah title blog yang menggambarkan isi dari blog km. Jangan terlalu panjang dan jangan terlalu pendek.

3. "Title Postingan". Title postingan ini juga hampir sama pentingnya dengan title blog. Dalam membuat title postingan atau judul postingan hendaknya dipikirkan betul, bayangkan kira2 judul apa yang paling cocok untuk postinganmu. Juga bayangkan kira2 jika km mencari artikel tentang postingan mu tersebut, keyword apa yang akan km ketikkan di dalam search engine. Bayangkan seperti itu.

4. "Update Blog", sering-seringlah mengupdate blog km setidaknya dalam satu minggu itu sekali ato dua kali. Hal ini pernah aku rasakan efeknya di salah satu blogku. Blogku yang pada awalnya memiliki pengunjung dari search engine sekitar 30-40% tiba-tiba menurun drastis menjadi hanya sekitar 3%. Itu terjadi karena blog tersebut sudah lama tidak aku update, dan ketika aku update lagi, kemudian blogku kembali bisa memasuki jajaran top rank di search engine result.

5. "Promosikan blogmu", promosikan blogmu ke banyak web/blog, forum, situs2 promosi gratis, dll. Karena semakin banyak link blogmu tersebar maka akan semakin sering pula spider searh engine mengunjungi blogmu.


NB: perhatian tips-tips diatas tidak menjamin blogmu akan langsung terangkat di hasil pencarian search engine, karena metode sebenarnya dari pencarian itu yang mengetahui hanyalah dari pemilik search engine itu sendiri. Tapi setidaknya dengan mengikuti tips diatas web/blogmu bisa masuk kedalam hasil pencarian search engine walopun mungkin berada diurutan keberapa.

Every blog owner must want to know how blog ranking. Various methods are used for high-ranking blogs. kecuai not me hehe ... That's what made ​​me figure out how to know the ranking of my blog. It's useless if we do a variety of ways to improve our blog but we do not know how high we rank. Below I provide for my friends who have blogs and want to know the Page Range blog. It's easy to stay just enter your blog address / web press check homework, then will appear how the Page Range to your blog

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1. Looking for an answer "right"
Most education systems are ingrained is the assumption that there is one "right" to a particular problem.
2. Focus on "logical thinking"
Logic is a very important part in the creative process, especially when evaluating an idea and implement it.
3. Following the rules blindly
Ever since I was very little we beajar not to "coloring outside the lines", and we spent the rest of our lives blindly obey the rules like that. Sometimes creativity depends on our ability to violate the existing rules so that we can look at new ways of melkukan something.
4. Constantly practical
Getting rid of practicality over time can free the mind to consider creative solutions that otherwise might never arise.
5. Looking at the game as it is useless
The game provides an opportunity for us to rediscover the reality and reformulate ways of doing things.
6. Being too specialized
Define the problem as one problem that stands separately sendir limit the ability to see the possibility of how the problem is related to other problems.
7. Avoiding ambiguity
Ambiguity can be a very extensive creative stimuli, it encourages us to "think differently.
8. Fear of looking foolish
Creative thinking is not the place to conventionality. new ideas rarely emerge from the conventional environment. People tend to be conventional because they do not want to look stupid.
9. Fear of false and failed
Creative people are realizing that trying something new often leads to failure, but they do not see failure as final.
10. Believing that "I'm not creative"
Successful entrepreneurs realize that saying "I'm not creative" merely an excuse not to act separately.

1. The inability of management 
 This company usually is not fatal insufficiency of capital, talent, or information but rather something more fundamental: the lack of assessment and a good grasp on things. 
 2. Lack of experience  
Managers of small enterprises need memiiki experience in the field who want into.  
3. Poor financial control 
 Sound management is the key to the success of small firms, and effective managers recognize that all business success requires the proper financial controls. 
 4. Weak marketing efforts 
Building Growing customer base requires a marketing effort tirelessly and creatively.  
5. Failure to develop strategic planning  
Building a strategic plan to force the entrepreneur to assess realistically the planned business potential.  
6. Uncontrolled Growth 
 With the growing size and complexity, these problems tend to increase their proportion, and entrepreneurs must learn to deal with this. sometimes entrepreneurs encourage rapid growth, through the ability to manage its business. 
 7. Bad location 
 Company locations are often chosen without research, observation, and proper planning. 
 8. Inventory control of inappropriate  
Generally, the biggest investment of small firms menajer is in stock, but inventory control is one of the managerial responsibilities of the most often overlooked.  
9. Pricing is not right 
 Set a price that will generate profits mean that the owner of the company must understand the magnitude of the cost to make, market and distribute their products and services.  
10. The inability to make "the transition Entrepreneurship" 
 Successfully meewati "early stages of entrepreneurship" does not guarantee the success of the company. abilities that had made successful entrepreneurs often lead to managerial ineffectiveness. Growth requires the entrepreneur to delegate authority and release control of daily activities, it is not able to do a lot of entrepreneurs.

1. Analysis of skills, abilities, and interests you to determine what type you consider Performance Management
2. Prepare a list of potential candidates
3. Investigate the candidates and the best evaluation
4. Review financial options
5. Ensure a smooth transition

1. Uncertainty of income  
By taking the decision to be entrepreneurs so someone must be prepared for everything that happened. In this case would discuss about the income that is not always fixed, meaning that someone should be able to determine how to get a fixed profit or revenues should increase. this is very challenging for someone to think harder to make a strategy that could increase penjuaan of the products we produce.  

2. The risk of losing the entire investment  
The risk of losing the entire investment even until this investment is a challenge for entrepreneurs to determine how to manage finances invested.  

3. Working long and hard work  
Efforts to achieve success very difficult, therefore it takes a long work and hard work to achieve that success. Similarly, entrepreneurs must work long and hard work to achieve success is to improve the quality of business. 

4. Quality of life of low-to-business established  
Bother to advance, have fun later, saying it may be precisely directed to an entrepreneur, as an entrepreneur engaged in the business are not immediately successful, it takes struggle separately to achieve that success. Even an entrepreneur willing to invest the property to conduct its businesses to achieve success in business ventures. 

5. High levels of stress  
Expand and manage the business is a rewarding experience, but also can be an experience filled with high pressure. 

6. Full responsibility 
Being the boss is nice, but in a position to consider the burden. Position incurred by an entrepreneur is a big responsibility, this is because all of the determination made solely by the owner of the business.  
7. Despair 
 open a business is a substantial effort that requires dedication, discipline and high ductility. In the face of difficulties in doing business with disappointment is a common thing faced by an entrepreneurial

1. Seluang to determine your own destiny
Everyone will want to feel free in determining their own destiny. so well in doing business. By conducting personal business in accordance with such a person then it would be appropriate in mengrjakannya and will further produce maximum results. With entrepreneurship then one can determine their own fate in doing everything in taking the decision
2. Opportunities for change
One chose to become an entrepreneur is seeing the opportunities that exist in the environment. entrepreneurial opportunities are used to make changes either to himself or to the surrounding environment shingga create a better life.
3. Opportunity to reach its fullest potential
a job usually considered boring by beberpa people, but not just by an entrepreneur. For those jobs being cultivated is a container for menegaktualisasikan a potential. With the job then the entrepreneur can develop the potential of being owned both innovative and creative.
4. Opportunities to achieve stunning gains
Although money is not the main impetus for most entrepreneurs, business profits are an important motivational factor for establishing the company